
Oda has defended her Master’s thesis!

We’re very happy to share the great news that on 27th June, 2023, Oda defended her Master’s thesis titled “Optimisation of Custom CRISPR-Cas9 platform for clinical applications”.

She has received an A. 😊

The discussion with censors was very interesting, questions were stimulating and inspiring, and overall it was a very successful day for Oda and the lab.

A big thank you to Emma and Ganna for their supervision, and a huge congratulations to Oda!

After the defense we held a small celebration for Oda with bubbles and brownie cheesecake! 🥂

I was fortunate to do my master project at the Haapaniemi lab at NCMM. The opportunity to work with CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing drew me to the project. My focus was to optimize CRISPR-Cas9 platform for clinical application by increasing favored repair mechanism events via various methods.

In my time at the lab, I got to expand my knowledge of cell culturing, flow cytometry, and gateway cloning, while also learning new techniques, such as electroporation, mRNA synthesis, ddPCR, and plasmid construction.

I am grateful to have worked with such an amazing group of people. While it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a whole lab to raise a master student. Every success was celebrated, while every failure was a learning exercise. I am so thankful for the guidance and supervision received. Thank you so much for taking me on as a master student!

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