
Emma presented our research during Bioteknologidagen 2022 Oslo

On 15 February, 2022, Emma talked about our research during Bioteknologidagen 2022 Oslo – Genterapi: nåtid og fremtid (Biotechnology Day 2022 Oslo – Gene therapy: present and future). This was a recorded session on gene therapy and how it helps patients today, what can be done with it in the future, and what challenges it holds.

Emma participated in a public debate on Genterapi i fremtiden: Hvilke terapier vil komme på markedet og er norsk helsevesen forberedt på det som kommer? (Gene therapy in the future: Which therapies will come on the market and is the Norwegian healthcare system prepared?)

Find the event information on the Bioteknologirådet (The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board) website here, and the publicly available event recording below (Emma’s segment from approx. 36 minutes in).

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