Lab gallery

This is our lab gallery where you can get a peek into our lab and various team activities such as celebratory events, lab retreats and barbecues!

NCMM Scientific Retreat (Oscarborg Festning)

June 2024

Jacob's Farewell

July 2023

Tuva, Sigrid and Oda's Master Thesis

June-July 2023

Group retreat to Geilo, Norway

February 2023

4th EMBL Partnership Conference, Heidelberg, Germany

September 2022

Jacob's Master Thesis

June 2022

Cabin trip to Beitostรธlen

February 2022

Afternoon tea at Bristol Hotel

February 2022

Frida's Master Thesis

January 2022

Various celebrations


Haapaniemi Lab retreat at Farris Bad Hotel

September 2021

Spring BBQ & games

Spring 2021

Sledding and firepit at Korketrekkeren ("the cork screw")

Mushroom picking

Lisa's farewell

EMBL Partnership Conference in Barcelona

September 2019