
Haapaniemi Group team members

Welcome to new group members

In September, four new team members joined our group!

A warm welcome to Oline Rio, Anna Komisarczuk, Shiva Dahal-Koirala and Hans Christian Erichsen! We’re super excited to get to know and start working with our new colleagues! 😊

Our two new Senior Scientists Anna and Shiva will be working on the optimisation and evaluation of the prime editing system (pegRNA) in cell lines, as well as working with the CRISPR gene editing platform for STAT1 GOF disease, respectively.

Oline is our newest PhD student to join the group, and her main project involves large-scale CRISPR guide screening for gene editing of primary immunodeficiency disorders with different patient-specific mutations.

Hans Christian is an MD consultant in paediatric immunodeficiency. 

Welcome to the group! 😊D

Please visit our Team page to find out more about their role in the group and their interests.

(Featured image by: Øystein Horgmo, UiO)

Latest news

We had the pleasure of attending the 41st NSI Annual Meeting on November 24th, 2023!
We're excited to present our newest publication, published in the STAR Protocols journal in December 2023.
His lecture was titled “Kurativ behandling av monogenetiske sykdommer med genterapi. En ny tidsalder?” (Curative treatment of monogenetic diseases with gene therapy. A new age?).
We're looking for a specialist with a background in stem cell research to join our group!
A new opportunity to work in our research group!