
Ganna's Defence Day

Ganna’s Defence Day

Our PhD Student, Ganna, recently had her PhD thesis defence, and, of course, she passed with flying colours. Congratulations, Ganna! 🥳

Ganna’s main project at Haapaniemi Lab has been to validate CRISPR screening results, with the goal of making the system more efficient and accurate.

After completing her PhD thesis, Ganna moved to a postdoc position at Broad Institute, John Doench lab.

See below what Ganna has to say about her experience, and join us in congratulating her about gaining her doctorate!

The most exciting and long-awaited day in the life of every PhD student is the Defense Day, the big D! I was very anxious and exited for it to come, and it lived up to my expectations 100%. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Emma Haapaniemi and Dr. Nikolina Sekulic for their help in the defense organization and all the moral support, as well as to Prof. Frank Buchholz and Dr. Wei Li for all the effort they put in thoroughly examining my work and conducting an extremely fascinating and stimulating discussion!

I will always remember fondly the time I spent in Emma’s lab, it allowed me to grow significantly as a scientist and strengthened my passion for research. I was lucky to have met so many amazing people throughout this journey, whom I now proud to call my friends. PhD comes with some hardships, yes, but there is also so much great stuff that comes along, would not have traded this experience for anything in the world!

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