
Our group participated in the PRIMA workshop in Oct 2024

The Haapaniemi Group recently participated in the PRIMA workshop on 17 October 2024, showcasing our cutting-edge research with two poster presentations.

The first poster, Enhancing CRISPR Gene Correction in Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells, authored by Carolina W. Ervik, Pavel Kopcil, Monika Szymańska, Katariina Mamia, Shiva Dahal-Koirala, Anna Komisarczuk, Rasmus O. Bak, Cecilia Fahlquist-Hagert, and Emma Haapaniemi, was presented by Pavel and Cecilia. Excitingly, it won the best poster prize! 😊

The second poster, Autologous CRISPR T Cell Correction Pipeline for Inborn Errors of Immunity, featured work from F.H. Haugen, O.E. Rio, K. Mamia, S.S. Jensen, B.O. Lindestad, K. Labun, A. Komisarczuk, S. Dahal-Koirala, and E.M. Haapaniemi. This poster, prepared by Oline and Frida, also gathered interest at the event.

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This collaborative grant will enable our work towards developing innovative nanotechnology-based systems to support stem cell viability and advance gene editing therapies.
It was a comprehensive, 5-day workshop that took place in Leuven in November 2024.
Pavel presented our poster at the event.
We presented two posters at the event.